1. Mollena Williams-Haas is one of the wisest, realest voices on M/s dynamics I’ve ever found. Go watch The Artist and the Pervert, then pick up a copy of Playing Well With Others for an excellent guide to the human side of kink.
2. Feminista Jones writes and speaks about feminism in mainstream spaces (think Princeton and the New York Times) while being unabashed about her love of kink and eloquent about how kink and feminism can complement one another. This article in Medium would be a good place to start: My Sexuality Has a Dark Side–And Maybe Yours Does Too
3. BlakSyn teaches the fundamentals of safety and scene crafting and stuff like that, but what they really want to tell you about are the deeper and more essential possibilities of kink: things like how to have integrity in your kink and find integrity through kink, or how to work with trauma and oppression in your practice of power exchange.
4. Consensual nonmonogamy may not be kink, but it’s at least kink-adjacent. Kevin Patterson’s book, Love’s Not Color Blind, and the Poly Role Models blog are great resources for practicing nonmonogamy in a way that’ll get you more connection and less strife.
5. Master Hines is a wizard with a flogger (or two). He’s a master not just of how to get the tails to land where you wanted them, but how to integrate a beating into an overall experience that will blow your bottom’s mind. And he’ll teach you to be better at it too.
6&7. Jet Setting Jasmine, King Noire and their guests on their Royal Fetish Radio podcast give you an intimate, intelligent and often humorous inside view of the overlapping worlds of porn and kink.
8. Robin Wilson-Beattie is an activist and educator fighting for greater sexual agency for disabled people, and she makes it crystal clear that kinky sexuality is an essential part of that fight. Check out her Kink Academy videos here.